07 Dec 2020

TPGITAA - Webinar by Mr.Vijayakumar

Job opportunities in Oil and Gas industry

Mr.VijayaKumar conducted webinar on career oppportunity.It is generally interactive, with participants getting information, asking questions, and discussing in real-time

Oil and gas companies are hiring and many are now diversified energy companies. Oil and gas jobs pay well, come in a variety of shapes and sizes and locations, and are interesting. Because of constant technological advancements, workers in the oil and gas sector are learning all the time — developing new skills, navigating the ever-changing updates, and growing their knowledge to stay current. If you have a passion for learning, the oil and gas industry is for you, and TOP Energy Training can help.

TOP Energy focuses on “upstream” job functions and careers. The oil and gas industry is divided into three major sectors: upstream, midstream and downstream. The upstream sector includes the part of the industry described as “exploration and production” or “E & P”. Activities include searching for potential oil and natural gas fields, drilling wells, and operating the wells to recover and bring the oil or natural gas to the surface. Job seekers with a variety of career goals related to the upstream sector would benefit from capabilities that TOP curriculum can help develop. Even those working within midstream and downstream sectors may wish to better understand the ‘bigger picture’ of the industry, and thus they are also candidates for our courses.

The Petroleum Engineering & Technology course has more specifics for those considering drilling engineer or mudlogger as a career. The course presents the anatomy of a drill site, the drilling process, potential drilling problems, evaluating geological formations, and topics related to stimulation, production, decommissioning, and reclamation.

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