03 Nov 2021

TPGITAA - Webinar by Ashok Raj

How to get Job?

Mr.Ashok Raj condected webinar on how to get job?.It is generally interactive, with participants getting information, asking questions, and discussing in real-time

Your first job is important because it teaches you valuable skills and shows you what kind of work you enjoy, which can guide you through the rest of your career. The people you meet and the coworkers you work with are often more important than the money you make.Your first job is a great place to network as you can make connections to higher-paying jobs. It also exposes you to new situations with customers, inventory and even particular computer systems. You can also add experience from your first job to your resume to make you even more competitive in future applications.

Your first job may not be exactly what you want, but it offers a valuable experience you can use later. For example, if you work in retail, you earn in-demand customer service skills and expose yourself to a wide variety of situations. Each one presents unique ways for you to either learn new skills or sharpen old ones. In a restaurant setting, you might learn basic business fundamentals like inventory management or food safety. It could even lead to an advanced position, since many restaurants prefer to promote a waitress to kitchen staff rather than hire a stranger.

Whether you’re just starting your career or are approaching the midway point, networking is always beneficial. Talk to your friends, family and schoolmates and let them know you’re actively seeking a job. Friends or other students may have connections to family-run businesses or can vouch for you at a local restaurant. Having a connection to a role significantly increases your chances of obtaining the position.

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