
Minutes of the Meeting

   30 MAY 2020

Attendees: Sivaguru IAS, Lakshmi Sir, Ashok, Dinesh, Karthick

Minutes of Meeting:

  • Prepare a Google Form
  • Advertise it to all forms and Collect the Registration Details
  • Try to get the already Registered 1000 People from
  • Send all the discussion in the Alumni Governing Councils
  • All the Final decision will be made by the Governing Coun

Tasks to be done with owner details:

  • Collect the details from TPGIT - Dinesh Details need to be from college email ID.
  • Google Forms/Registration Form - Karthick
  • Communicate Google Forms - Sivaguru
  • Upload the Details in Google Form - Sivaguru Team
  • Upload the details in Telegram & Verify - Sivaguru Team
  • 1993 Batch Details to be given to Sivaguru - Lakshmi Sir
  • Talk to Bala MCA and try to get the Already Registered 1000 Members - Ashok
  • Every Batch Representation can call Sivaguru to give the Batchwise Details.

Plans for the UPSC/Gate Training:

  • Register TPGIT Alumni Assoctiation officially
  • Register In FCRA
  • Prinicipal and Governing Council will select the deserving students for Training
  • Every Year this Selection will be done once
  • Selected Students will be given Training for that year.
  • Moto: Get atleast 1 new IAS in next 2-3 years who can help in uplifting TPGIT.